I love it and that is it, no more to it. Got nothing to say.
I love it and that is it, no more to it. Got nothing to say.
Ok, you f+cking did it, This is seriously the WORST shit anyone seriously can end up doing.
1. The multi-use of the clap is fricking hilarious.
2. The off-rythmic snare is just priceless.
3. All the FL sounds you consider to use as a noob is included.
4. The fact that this was on purpose makes sense.
5. You have proven us all the fact that default sounds is f+cking crap.
6. The over-actionated ending is just a laugh.
You gave me some fun-time. Thanks dude XD
np lol
Headphone quality? xD
I have a couple of really expensive-acoustic DJ headphones. I feel the quality you are talking about. Nothing to critisize really, everything that CAN be considered negative can also be done for the effect, and I actually like it, like the grammophone sparks in the background. :)
Thx thx I appreciate it. The "quality" I was really talking about was for the bass tho. I wanted that to be heard because it compliment the beat well IMO.
in the beginning?
Out of curiosity, you are new at making music right? really sounds like mine did 4 months ago. But just simply continue and you will reach it! I'm not there yet, but I'm wating
I am sorta new yeah :D
I'll listen to your songs right away!
Thanks for the review!
It's ok
The bass is kinda perfect in my opinion, no worry. The kick is charming and good. The lead synth may be a bit over-sharpish in some places in the song, but don't mind that. It will be better with time. Good anyways, keep up :) - Dicennian
Thanks, yeah It's like impossible to tell what the bass is really like on this comp.
Nice song :)
There really ain't nothing to critisize than the main-quality in this song. It could be better depending on your mixing skills and studio equipment. But it doesn't really matter when it comes to internet-music like this. I enjoyed it and some parts could be better. Nobody is perfect, just try to keep up please :)
It's kinda simple, really. The intro fading is a bit promising but the main melody seems a bit too "have hard before" But if this is meant to be the under-tones/Bass of some kind in the song, it may kick ass depending on the real lead-melody. Anyhow, keep it up.
OK, I'm somewhat confused but if I go back in and finish this song up I'll make a real melody. Thanks for the review.
No offense!
Ok, it may just be me. But I can't find a flow, it all sounds like one big intro. But however, is that the DEFAULT sounds of FL studio? the clap and the hat? If so, Change it. Never use stuff that comes with the programs upload. Anyways, the next time you will do more success. Keep up
Thanks for the tips!
Slayer or what?
Okey, The melodies is certainly not the problem here, you choose the wrong instruments for it. Slayer seriously? And it sounds like the default preset. If it's not slayer, it IS sounding too much like it, and it's too loud. The other parts of the song just needs more time. And ye, we all love the sandopolis zone xD
Yeah... lol. I'll re-do it. and yes, it was more-or-less slayer.
(lol remix my remix :wee:)
Ok :)
The timing with the beat seems a bit weird, but it IS good. Weird like; woow, kinda cool. Actually this is good for newgrounds. Can be used in a druggy-situation in a flash movie/ any alternative cutscene. Good job.
Thanks... I think. :P
Yeah, this really isn't that good, but after playing around for a while I thought this sounded cool, so I posted it. If someone used this, it would be kinda cool... but really this is just a sign that I'm still trying to make some music once in a while. I just can't finish anything. :(
Hey :D
Joined on 12/14/08