Woooow o.O
I did not see this coming. The most awesome stuff I've heard for a long long time. Keep making music, you DO kick ass. This is sooo faved.
Woooow o.O
I did not see this coming. The most awesome stuff I've heard for a long long time. Keep making music, you DO kick ass. This is sooo faved.
Sounds deep, I love it. I just wish you could add some more intstruments, but that's just me I guess. Thanks for creating this :)
Best stuff...
I've heard in a long time, seriously that bass is just freaking awesome.
You've made a good song. I'm not giving it a ten because I wanted more than 2 minutes. It would be awesome if it built up EVEN more and then kicked in with that melody higher with a bunch of violins and some brass in the background that lifts it up. But end of line: Epic song.
The Best....
The best song in Chrono Trigger in my opinion, everytime I hear it in the game I get happy. Awesome dude.
I'm stunned and speechless. I was thinking: "what a great version of song of healing" first, and then it kicks in. I almost shit my pants. I can't be much better than this. Make more stuff like this HexMonkey, just do it. - The rest is just as good, simply love your version of the deku palace, how you changed some parts. Just awesome.
Thank you very much sir ^_^!
I love it, so groovy!
Shweeet. Thanks!!
Very good tribute, or what I should call it. Love. Faved, saved and 5/5. I totally love it, keep loving paragonx9! - Best music ever.
thanks alot man
might even consider making more of these
great to have your support
You know what, if I was a christian I would believe this song came directly from heaven. Quality, Brassy, Sawy, Catchy AND epic. You got to create more stuff like this. Plain epic.
The percussion is epic. One of these percussionbeats you can listen on forever, that in combination with the groovy guitar, simply epic. Good job. I love it.
Hey :D
Joined on 12/14/08